ISCL Online Launch

Congretulation for ISCL Online is launched! Locally established in Hong Kong in 1962, Ichikawa Sangyo Co. Ltd (ISCL) is engaged in the wholesaling and retailing of active lifestyle products of Japanese sporting brands. Since its beginning as a trading company, ISCL has taken advantage of its unique knowledge of business cultures of Japan, and… Continue reading ISCL Online Launch

Stop wordpress adding

Been swearing at WordPress this afternoon… I’ve been trying to transfer an html form, which I had working perfectly on a static html page, onto a WordPress page. WordPress insisted on adding multiple <br/> tags where I didn’t want them. Mutter. Eventually, after much searching, I identified a parameter within wp-includes/formatting.php, which allows you to… Continue reading Stop wordpress adding

To shutdown pg_ctl immediately

Sometimes it doesn’t listen to the command pg_ctl stop, the following option can be used: pg_ctl stop -m fast or pg_ctl stop -m immediate

Fix Magento Chinese PDF Wrong Charset

解决Magento中文订单PDF 输出乱码 这个BUG 是Magento本地化程度尚欠的一点体现。 这是由于 Magento 的 PDF 的字体是英文字体,并不支持中文,所以产生的 PDF 里中文无法显示,只显示为一个“口”。 可以通过重写Magento 的生成PDF 的核心代码,把字体修改为中文字体来实现修正。由此须准备一个 TTF 字体,如下,将标宋字体放在了$site_dir/media/fonts/STSONG.TTF,把 app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Abstract.php 建一个副本到 app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Abstract.php,然后大约在561 行: protected function _setFontRegular($object, $size = 7) { $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithPath(Mage::getBaseDir() . ‘/media/fon ts/STSONG.TTF’); $object->setFont($font, $size); return $font; } protected function _setFontBold($object, $size = 7) { $font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithPath(Mage::getBaseDir() . ‘/media/fon ts/STSONG.TTF’); $object->setFont($font, $size); return $font;… Continue reading Fix Magento Chinese PDF Wrong Charset

Magento 1.4 toolbar bug

It is nice to have magento 1.4 released but there is a small bug in toolbar which makes the list and grid view error. And I don’t like the error report in write in a number file stored in var/report, even though it is good to have it not showing in the frontend It is… Continue reading Magento 1.4 toolbar bug